This project has two community based partners and supporting resources that will find answers to write my nursing paper (or other) type questions that will arise during research, etc. The first is the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC), an organization that represents and supports twenty-nine Friendship Centres across Ontario. Friendship Centres serve as community hubs for urban Aboriginal peoples, offering programming in a variety of areas, including health and social well-being, education, economic development, child and youth initiatives and cultural awareness.
The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC) is an ideal partner for the IMB project, as it is well respected internationally for work in community based research, training, and policy and program development for urban Aboriginal peoples.
In 2005 the OFIFC initiated Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin, a program that supports male facilitators to provide community based training and advocacy toward ending violence against Aboriginal women. This network, which includes more than 100 Aboriginal men across Ontario, provides an exhilarating base for consultation and knowledge translation as it is a burgeoning and grassroots social movement of men who are eager to explore Indigenous men’s roles in ending violence, which can involve an exploration of masculinities, identities and roles and responsibilites that are not based in Euro-western patriarchy.
The second partner is the Native Youth Sexual Health Network (NYSHN). The NYSHN is an organization by and for Indigenous youth that works across issues of sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice throughout the United States and Canada.
The reclamation and revitalization of traditional knowledge about people's fundamental human rights over their bodies and spaces, intersected with present-day realities is fundamental to the work of the NYSHN.
The NYSHN works within the full spectrum of reproductive and sexual health for Indigenous peoples.